Budgeting,  Lifestyle,  Mindset

9 Practical Tips To Survive and Thrive This Blue Monday

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Blue Monday is just days away so I thought I would share some tips to help you survive and thrive.

The third Monday of January is called the saddest day of the year, also known as Blue Monday. Christmas is over, we have packed up all over decorations, we are back to work and ‘back to reality’, and made and broken a few New Year’s resolutions. You are not alone. Millions of people will be feeling exactly how you are. However, all is not lost. Let’s use this feeling as an emotional springboard to set new realistic goals (not New Year’s Resolutions) that I know you can smash.

I have read so many blogs and articles that offer ‘advice’ that just isn’t practical and leave you feeling more frustrated than ever! Try working through the 9 steps below to help improve them Blue Monday Blues.

Plan the next few months.

Make a plan and give yourself something to look forward to. This could be researching and planning your next holiday, planning a spa day with a friend (this is what I’m going to be doing) or even a shopping trip with the girls (or boys).

Go for a power walk or run.

Spending a good 20 minutes outdoors (and in nature) can have huge effects on your mental health. You will get your endorphins pumping and you will burn calories in the process. Trust me, with all those good chemicals pumping throughout your body, it’ll be hard to feel depressed. 

Set your goals for the year

These are not New Year’s Resolutions but things you want to achieve throughout the year.

Consider setting goals for each of the following:

  • Financial
  • Social 
  • Health
  • Wellbeing
  • Career

If you set a goal stop smoking from the 1st January, you may have had a sneaky cigarette (or two) already. But don’t worry, all is not lost. Obviously going cold turkey is not a realistic approach for you. Instead, try cutting down to 1 a day, then 1 every other day, then 2 a week, then to none a week. If you do it slowly, you are less likely to feel a huge loss and won’t be such a shock to the system.

Break your goal down into small bite-size pieces, this will help you feel less overwhelmed and give you the motivation to achieve your goal.

Many of us set materialistic goals, thinking that will make us happy. But the goals we should set are “feeling goals”. Goals to be happy, fulfilled, contented etc.

My primary goal for this year is to find out what makes me truly happy. How or what I have no idea but I am going to try different things and gather as much data as possible. It’s very exciting. I am going to keep a log of everything I do and analyse how I feel about each thing. It’s going to be like a Gratitude journal, but a Happiness Journal.

Create a budget for the next 12 months.

This can assist you in regaining control after any Christmas and New Year splurges and planning the next few months out. Maybe you want to go on holiday, maybe you want to move house and save up a deposit or maybe you want to be able to go out with friends and you want to see if and how affordable it is. 

Creating a budget is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself, especially if you feel like you are drowning in debt. 

If you’ve never created a budget, don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be this difficult thing. You can do it on a piece of paper, in a spreadsheet or using budgeting software like Every Dollar or YNAB*. Before I met my partner and we combined our finances, I used a simple no-frills spreadsheet but as our finances started to get more complicated, I felt I needed a little extra help so I  now use YNAB. 

If you would like access to my FREE 12 Month Budget Template > Click Here


Beginning and ending your day with a 10-20 minute prayer or meditation is a great way to start your day. You can set the intention of no matter what is going to happen, that today is going to be a good day and you can overcome anything that comes your way. You will be surprised at how good you feel.

Try laughter yoga

Sounds weird? Well, you are right, the first time you do this you will feel like a right weirdo but guess what? You’ll feel so much better and if you do it in a class then you will do be weirdos together. In all seriousness, there are many benefits to laughter yoga and has proven to make you feel happier and overtime you will naturally begin to laugh more. 

Try it now 
Lay down on the floor, spread your arms and legs out – like a starfish and just start laughing. Go for it, just laugh your heart out. Think Ray Liotta in Goodfellas. 

Check out my Laughter Yoga playlist on YouTube

Surround yourself with positivity.

This can mean several things; look at your friendships, are they loving and empowering ones or are they fuelled by gossip and negativity? Do you leave the interaction with your friends feeling uplifted or feeling a little low and unsure of yourself? Cut out all gossip, remember, what goes around comes around.

Watch old funny movies and comedians. 

My favourites are any of the Carry On movies. Check out the YouTube playlist below I have put together for you to enjoy.

Check Out my ‘Funny’ YouTube Playlist

Watch inspirational movies and YouTube videos. 

I have created a playlist for you to check out.

I will constantly update these playlists so subscribe so you don’t miss anything. 

Check out my YouTube Playlist

TIP: Observe your behaviour. Avoid nipping online and doing a spot of online shopping, although this might help you feel better at that moment however that feeling won’t last and you will just go back to square one only 50 quid lighter.

If you have any more practical suggestions then please comment below. I’d love to add more to my list for next year.

*contains an affiliate link

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