10 Ways To Easily Save Money Using Your Current Paycheck
Reading Time: 3 minutes I wonder how many people have said, when I start earning more money I will start budgeting or start saving? I can imagine quite a few people to be honest. I’m going to share my 10 easy ways to save money using your current paycheck. – The following article contains affiliate links. This doesn’t affect the price you pay but I may earn a commission if you decide to buy anything through my links. This goes towards maintaining the website and helping me continue to spread the Live Full Retire Early message| ad – Remember even the janitor can leave the rat race and become financially…
19 Cheap & Frugal Date Ideas That Are Actually Good
Reading Time: 5 minutes When trying to stick to a budget and your financial independence journey, occasions like Valentines Day or even date night can feel a little stressful. You don’t need to cave into peer pressure and do these overly expensive lavish things to show your partner that you love them. A nice meal and a trip to the cinema (including drinks and snacks) could end up costing you over £75.00, plus anything gifts you buy each other. It’s insane. You don’t need to bankrupt yourself to show others how you feel and if you think you do … maybe you’re not with the best person for you. Emma…