How To Protect Yourself From Losing Your Money and Your Sanity. 7 Tips To Help You Spot A Con Artist.
Reading Time: 5 minutes When you hear the term Con Man (or Woman) what image comes to mind? Is it the homeless man on the street begging for spare change or the businessman/woman trying to con you out of potentially thousands? I have heard peoples opinions and experiences on both ends of the spectrum. There are even programmes on TV with people sharing their stories with tips you should watch out for. My thoughts and questions when I watch these shows are “but how do I know if this person is a conman? It’s easy to spot it when you’re on the outside” and “what if they are being genuine…
The Secret To A Happier Life and A Happier YOU. How To Set Boundaries, Learn To Say NO! And Avoid The Yes Man.
Reading Time: 3 minutes I would rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.Kurt Cobain Definition Time: A Yes Man: A person who will tell you what you want to hear (or what they think you want to hear) instead of something you NEED TO HEAR. Dishonour, well firstly let’s split the words up: Dis: indicating negation, lack, or deprivation: dissimilar, distrust, disgrace Honour: honesty, fairness, or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions = Dis-honour: disgracing one’s’ integrity. Honouring Yourself: helping people out but not to the detriment of yourself. After reading and understanding the above definitions, answer the following questions. I suggest doing this in your journal,…
9 Ways To Help Create An Emergency Fund With No Money
Reading Time: 4 minutes As highlighted in my previous blog post creating an emergency fund is a necessary part of life and budgeting. Your first goal for setting you an emergency fund is to aim for £500. This is a small achievable amount. Then gradually aim for 3-6 months living expenses. This should give you plenty of time to find another job, discover your true passions in life (and how you can make money from it), launch your business without the pressure and stress of instantly earning a profit or give you time to heal if the emergency fund is set aside for health reasons. 9 Ways To Help Create…
Why I DON’T Wake Up At 5am and Neither Should You!
Reading Time: 3 minutes Does getting up at 5am everyday make you successful? What if you don’t, will you ever be successful? Will you be a big fat failure if you don’t? These are the questions I ask myself when I hear this homogenized advice, and of course the answers to these questions are no, yes and no! If I listened to certain personal development teachers I would come to the conclusion that I will never be rich, successful or happy. However, my belief is that by honoring yourself and knowing yourself YOU WILL become rich, successful AND happy. I am a night owl and everyone is different and to…