Why You Should Never Loan Your Friends Money and 7 Reasons Why It Does More Harm Than Good
Reading Time: 5 minutes Several years ago, I was at work when a “friend”, Suzie rung me crying saying the bailiffs were coming round as she was in a lot of debt. She continued to inform me that they were going to take her baby boys bed away and laid it on pretty thick knowing that vital info would pull on my heart strings, which of course it did. I loved her son so much and was quite involved in his life. Then she asked to borrow £2,000 from me. After hearing everything she just said, how could I refuse? So I asked her for her bank details and sent…
9 Ways To Help Create An Emergency Fund With No Money
Reading Time: 4 minutes As highlighted in my previous blog post creating an emergency fund is a necessary part of life and budgeting. Your first goal for setting you an emergency fund is to aim for £500. This is a small achievable amount. Then gradually aim for 3-6 months living expenses. This should give you plenty of time to find another job, discover your true passions in life (and how you can make money from it), launch your business without the pressure and stress of instantly earning a profit or give you time to heal if the emergency fund is set aside for health reasons. 9 Ways To Help Create…
An Introduction To Emergency Funds. What Is An Emergency Fund and Why Everyone Needs One
Reading Time: 2 minutes What is an Emergency Fund? Put simply, an Emergency Fund is a stash of cash set aside in case you lose your job, receive unexpected medical bills or if your health affects your ability to work. Or alternatively the … Fuck You Fund. (F.Y.F) Having an Emergency Fund is a wonderful feeling, like a breath of fresh air, the sigh of relief knowing you have the freedom to breathe fully. We all need to save for the unexpected. Having a cash reserve can mean the difference from a minor dip in the road to a car crash. It’s the kindest thing you can do for…
How I Made and Saved over £12,500 in 12 Months Without Using a Penny of My Pay Check
Reading Time: 3 minutes I know what you’re thinking, how have I saved £12,500 without using my paycheck? For a while, I had been thinking about how I could make some extra money on the side/from home without starting a part-time business. I have considered setting up an online store and importing products from China and selling them on amazon.co.uk or Shopify, although great ideas and something I could definitely make a success out of, at that moment in time I felt overwhelmed at the thought of it all. I wanted to start small with my side hustle, I didn’t want to run before I could walk. Then I remembered…
How To Make More Money. 51 Lucrative Side Hustles.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Life can be unpredictable and stressful at times, especially when it comes to your finances. All it takes is an unexpected bill and BOOM, your savings are completely wiped out. This is why I ALWAYS suggested having an Emergency fund. An Emergency Fund is a stash of cash set aside in case you lose your job, your earnings decrease, you receive unexpected medical bills or if your health affects your ability to work. In a Federal Survey, 44% of people said that they would need to borrow money or sell something to cover a $400 emergency expense. To determine individuals’ preparedness for a smaller scale financial…