5 Habits Of A Successful Investor
Reading Time: 4 minutes Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Warren Buffett haven’t succeeded in every project they have begun. However, that hasn’t stopped them becoming the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. People go through life jealous of other people’s success, ignoring all the hard work and failures they had to endure to get there. Why struggle through life blindfolded. Simply immerse yourself in whatever industry drives you and the rest, as they say, is history. There are certain traits every entrepreneur needs to embrace to ultimately become successful. They get comfortable with failing In every failure, there is a lesson to be learnt. Some entrepreneurs actively go…
✈️ How Visiting Acapulco Kicked My Ass. How To Deal With Jet Lag After a Long Haul Flight ✈️
Reading Time: 2 minutes So I have been back in the UK six days (after flying back to England after my Anarchapulco trip) and I am still suffering with jet lag. My sleep patterns are all over the place, I’m going to bed late and getting up early for work. I’m drinking way too much caffeine just to get me through the day and my thought patterns are different than normal. I just watched a Brian Tracy YouTube video and he says that it requires approximately one day to recover from each one hour of time zone change. Wooooowwwww 😱 So since the time difference is 6 hours that means…