How To Save Over £7,000 For An Investment Without Increasing Your Earnings
Reading Time: 3 minutes Do not save what is left after spending. But spend what is left after saving. Warren Buffett One of the main objections from people who I speak to about beginning their saving and investing journey is the lack of disposable income they have available. Most people live hand to mouth, pay cheque to pay cheque and when something like job loss occurs in their life their whole world comes crashing down, they scramble to find the next available job, not even considering if this is the right job for them. I can imagine what you’re thinking right now, “that’s easy for you to say” or “easier said…
An Introduction To Emergency Funds. What Is An Emergency Fund and Why Everyone Needs One
Reading Time: 2 minutes What is an Emergency Fund? Put simply, an Emergency Fund is a stash of cash set aside in case you lose your job, receive unexpected medical bills or if your health affects your ability to work. Or alternatively the … Fuck You Fund. (F.Y.F) Having an Emergency Fund is a wonderful feeling, like a breath of fresh air, the sigh of relief knowing you have the freedom to breathe fully. We all need to save for the unexpected. Having a cash reserve can mean the difference from a minor dip in the road to a car crash. It’s the kindest thing you can do for…