How To Keep A Journal and How It Can Help You Grow, Heal And Flourish
Reading Time: 4 minutes Like meditation, there is no right or wrong way to journal. Simply getting all your negative and positive thoughts onto the pages in front of you can release any emotional blockages you may have. Before I start journaling I feel like I have so many thoughts buzzing around my head. However when I start putting pen to paper, I realise that I have very few thoughts just the same ones rehashed. That’s helpful in itself. No one will read your journal, so you can write things you wouldn’t say to anyone else, completely uncensored. Remember it’s for your eyes only. You can use the journal as a…
11 Habits of Happy Positive People
Reading Time: 6 minutes Have you ever passed someone in the street and noticed how happy they look. Everything about them, their “vibe”, their walk, their mannerisms and obviously their beaming smile. How wonderful would it be to actually BE that person. Enlightenment is holding two conflicting thoughts and still be able to function The Buddha We all have this assumption that we will live until we are 100 (or at least I do) but what if that wasn’t true? What if you were only going to live another 10, 20 or even 30 years. Then what? Would you begin to live your life any different? If I was told…
A Beginners Guide To Bullet Journaling. How To Achieve Your Goals By Becoming More Productive
Reading Time: 3 minutes Many of you know that I am a huge fan of journaling and its amazing benefits. Putting pen to paper and getting all your thoughts down gives me a sense of peace and relief, like that chaos (in my head/mind) has been removed from the system ready to carry on with a fresh free mind. I believe journaling will change your life. It will help you more organised and productive, resulting in you achieving your goals. If you are not sure of the many benefits of journaling, I have included my top seven for you: It will consciously bring how you feel into awareness. Helps…
The Secret To A Happier Life and A Happier YOU. How To Set Boundaries, Learn To Say NO! And Avoid The Yes Man.
Reading Time: 3 minutes I would rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.Kurt Cobain Definition Time: A Yes Man: A person who will tell you what you want to hear (or what they think you want to hear) instead of something you NEED TO HEAR. Dishonour, well firstly let’s split the words up: Dis: indicating negation, lack, or deprivation: dissimilar, distrust, disgrace Honour: honesty, fairness, or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions = Dis-honour: disgracing one’s’ integrity. Honouring Yourself: helping people out but not to the detriment of yourself. After reading and understanding the above definitions, answer the following questions. I suggest doing this in your journal,…