How To Recession Proof Your Life & Your Finances
Reading Time: 4 minutes Well, 2020 has been something that is going to go down in History. The way we live our lives, the way we run our businesses, the way to travel is NEVER going to be the same again. It breaks my heart. I remember when I was at school and I was learning about the plague and the devastation it caused, Covid-19 has been our version of it. I never thought that the word social distancing would be part of my normal vocabulary and wearing a mask in public places would be mandatory. Do I Need To Panic? Since 2008 our economy has been rocky, to say…
10 Ways To Easily Save Money Using Your Current Paycheck
Reading Time: 3 minutes I wonder how many people have said, when I start earning more money I will start budgeting or start saving? I can imagine quite a few people to be honest. I’m going to share my 10 easy ways to save money using your current paycheck. – The following article contains affiliate links. This doesn’t affect the price you pay but I may earn a commission if you decide to buy anything through my links. This goes towards maintaining the website and helping me continue to spread the Live Full Retire Early message| ad – Remember even the janitor can leave the rat race and become financially…
March 2020 Budget & Investment Portfolio Update. Stock Market Crash/Corona Virus Edition 📉
Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s always a good code of practice to check and review your budget and your investment portfolio. There have been a lot of changes in the stock market this month due to the Corona Virus … It went crazy high mid-month then dropped all of a sudden towards the end of the month … you will see exactly how it has affected my investments below. February Review What can I say about February? Well … financially it didn’t go as planned. Due to the bad weather we experienced in the UK my partner was weathered off at work so he ended up having the last 2…
How To Become Financially Free. LFRE’s 9 Rules of Money & Life
Reading Time: 4 minutes Hi and welcome to Live Full Retire Early (LFRE). Here we talk all things money & lifestyle and explore and share ways to live your best life on a budget. Here are our 9 Rules to help you do just that… Rule 1. You must always talk about Money. Money is a bit of a taboo subject, especially for us Brits. We feel talking about our levels of success is a bit of a narcissistic and ugly thing to do, like we are bragging. However, I don’t see it that way. If you talk about your struggles and listen to other people’s successes you might find…
How To Save Over £7,000 For An Investment Without Increasing Your Earnings
Reading Time: 3 minutes Do not save what is left after spending. But spend what is left after saving. Warren Buffett One of the main objections from people who I speak to about beginning their saving and investing journey is the lack of disposable income they have available. Most people live hand to mouth, pay cheque to pay cheque and when something like job loss occurs in their life their whole world comes crashing down, they scramble to find the next available job, not even considering if this is the right job for them. I can imagine what you’re thinking right now, “that’s easy for you to say” or “easier said…
9 Ways To Help Create An Emergency Fund With No Money
Reading Time: 4 minutes As highlighted in my previous blog post creating an emergency fund is a necessary part of life and budgeting. Your first goal for setting you an emergency fund is to aim for £500. This is a small achievable amount. Then gradually aim for 3-6 months living expenses. This should give you plenty of time to find another job, discover your true passions in life (and how you can make money from it), launch your business without the pressure and stress of instantly earning a profit or give you time to heal if the emergency fund is set aside for health reasons. 9 Ways To Help Create…
An Introduction To Emergency Funds. What Is An Emergency Fund and Why Everyone Needs One
Reading Time: 2 minutes What is an Emergency Fund? Put simply, an Emergency Fund is a stash of cash set aside in case you lose your job, receive unexpected medical bills or if your health affects your ability to work. Or alternatively the … Fuck You Fund. (F.Y.F) Having an Emergency Fund is a wonderful feeling, like a breath of fresh air, the sigh of relief knowing you have the freedom to breathe fully. We all need to save for the unexpected. Having a cash reserve can mean the difference from a minor dip in the road to a car crash. It’s the kindest thing you can do for…
How To Make More Money. 51 Lucrative Side Hustles.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Life can be unpredictable and stressful at times, especially when it comes to your finances. All it takes is an unexpected bill and BOOM, your savings are completely wiped out. This is why I ALWAYS suggested having an Emergency fund. An Emergency Fund is a stash of cash set aside in case you lose your job, your earnings decrease, you receive unexpected medical bills or if your health affects your ability to work. In a Federal Survey, 44% of people said that they would need to borrow money or sell something to cover a $400 emergency expense. To determine individuals’ preparedness for a smaller scale financial…