What is a Coach?
A coach is a facilitator that empowers the person to identify the changes that they would like to make and then helping them through the process of achieving these goals.
We make hundreds of choices everyday (most of which are subconscious) and affect the results we get in our daily lives. These choices leave us feeling either fulfilled or unfulfilled.
Coaching helps you identify your core beliefs, observe the results you are getting from those beliefs and how we can change and create new beliefs and get the results you do want.
Are you ready to create the a happy, more balanced and fulfilling life?
Why We All Need A Coach
How much easier would life be if we were given a manual on ‘How To Be An Adult’. We wouldn’t make half as many ‘mistakes’ and life would be so much enjoyable.
Most of the time we don’t know the answers and sometimes we don’t even know what the question even is. Sometimes we only know we feel and don’t even know why.
How To Book The Sessions
Coaching sessions are available Monday - Friday from 6pm - 10pm GMT.
Can you use to convert to your time zone. Please use the calendar below to book your sessions. If some times aren’t available that means that they have been booked by other people. So book in advance so you don’t miss out.
All sessions are paid prior to the sessions at the time of booking. Sessions are transferable and are non refundable.
Simply click the ‘BOOK NOW’ button and begin your journey of transformation and into a new life of happiness and prosperity.
Coaching Packages
*All packages are completed via Skype or Telephone. I do offer face to face coaching however. Please email me using the contact us form for a bespoke package.
30 Minute Initial One To One Consultation - £17.50
An opportunity to meet and discuss your needs and ensure that we feel comfortable and confident to working together.
1 Hour One Off Coaching Session - Pay As You Go - £49.50
2 Hour Coaching Session - From Negative To Positive - £85.00
Together we will:
- Set and discuss your life, financial and investment goals
- Put together a budget to achieve these goals
- I will share my empowerment financial building tools for you to use in the future
5 Hour Coaching Session - The Butterfly Effect - £224.50
Together in these sessions we will:
- Set and discuss your life, financial and investment goals
- Create a budget and discuss ways to stick
- Review Who Do You Think You Are Questionnaire
- Review your current finances
- Rate and review how you feel about all aspects of your life
- Discuss and review where you currently are and where you want to be
- Set personal and financial goals to it
- Discover what your life purpose is
- I will share my empowerment financial building tools for you to use in the future
How To Book The Sessions
Coaching sessions are available Monday - Friday from 6pm - 10pm GMT.
Can you use to convert to your time zone. Please use the calendar below to book your sessions. If some times aren’t available that means that they have been booked by other people. So book in advance so you don’t miss out.
All sessions are paid prior to the sessions at the time of booking. Sessions are transferable and are non refundable.
Simply click the ‘BOOK NOW’ button and begin your journey of transformation and into a new life of happiness and prosperity.